Wire screens for different applications
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Perfopol offers production of different metal elements used in many different branches of industry. It is a company known as wedge wire screens producer. These screens are created on the basis of process that includes a stainless steel profile welded with a support profile. This process of production uses modern and effective technologies, so Perfopol is able to create the best screens that meet different quality, reliability and safety requirements. High precision of production allows to create elements with smooth surface. The aforementioned wedge wire screens producer creates product designed for use in mining, chemical and food industries. These screens allow for effective and problem-free sorting, filtering, drainage, etc. Offer includes standard types of products, but Perfopol also realizes individual projects without problems. The range of dimensions is quite large and it reaches the level of 2000 x 2500 mm, where 2500 is the maximum possible length of supporting profile of the "Q type.

Nazwa: PPUH Perfopol Sp. z o.o.

Adres: Radomska 76 27-200 Starachowice

Adres www: www.yamabushi.org.pl

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